Saturday, May 9, 2015

FEA's Purdy Picnic

Hi ,

it supposed to be #AsikinTurns19 birthday party but seems Fazlin and I cant manage to do this both so we decide to tell sikin that its gonna be FEA's purdy picnic .  just to confuse her but still, we do celebrate her birthday . lol

oh , if you're wondering what Purdy means , it's actually pretty , awesome , cute etc .

Overall , I think the picnic went well and enjoy this entry-bergambar .

FEA's Purdy Picnic X Asikin Turns 19

Behind the scene , at this moment we're still looking for the good place to have a picnic . So , we drop all the stuff and left sikin here seems dia malas nak jalan jauhjauh  while Lin and I pergi cari parking kereta which is quite jauh from our picnic site but end up .........

I ask lin to drop me at PKNS to buy a flower as our very last minute birthday present . And Alhamdulillah sikin love it . anyway picture above taken after we bought the flower and set up all the props . (thats why dah ade bunga)

Merah tanda sayang . Putih tanda benci . eh #sisbergurau

All the way lepas parking kereta , berjalan around 1.5km . Muka peluh dont care . Penat fikir macammana nak buat suprise but end up terselfie .

I was thinking nak buat video or something like ordinary tapi kiteorang malu type of person . So , sorry sikin . just a simple happy birthday song for you .

This beautiful girl is turning nineteen today (9th May 1996) 
Its glad to see you happy with our last minute mini celebration.
May Allah bless you in everything you do and
may Allah ease your ACCA journey .
I love you till jannah .

Sincerely E

Its not easy to find friends like both of you . seriously I'm still wondering how its start . *matamasukhabuk . 

Okay sambung entry bergambar

Simple decoration tough .
Helium baloon from @balloonery_
Bantal and tissue case belong to Sikin
bunga handmade sikin buatkan while Lin and I carikan parking
Paper cup and plate bought at DIY 
Paperbag , vase , frame were mine . 

So basicly our picnic memang need small budget je :) *kan Allah taksuka pembaziran .

See , makanan pun kitoarang makan basic je as kitorang bukan type of kuat makan or foodhunter person . Nie pun takhabis . tapau buat balik .

Nasi goreng 
Fried chicken
Pandan Swiss Roll
Air Sarsi 

Belanja gambar tuan tanah dulu la . seems Im the youngest . eh ;)

Thankyou so much to this little girl for helping me a lot and
Alhamdulillah our purdy picnic went well .

Thanks F

With the birthday girl . Like hello . she's so stunning this day . Birthday girl katakan .

Us. Finally . ade gambar bertiga . Thinking to hire photographer tapi rasa macam membazir lah pulak . So , end up we use timer . 

A : tak best la picnic 3 orang je
E : 5tahun lagi kita picnic 6 orang eh ? Jangan lupa contact tau .

lol , if you know what I mean *kenyitmata

Oh , actually we are wearing the same attire . Its a batwing . I design itself and ask my mum to sew . Well , thanks Mum . we love it .

Acah acah , The fault in our star . luls

Sorry quality gambar yang quite not memuaskan sebab all these picture from facebook . Nanti mesti ade orang cakap , tade pun kat fb . ye lah . I do private .

Picture taken not from DSLR anyway ,

oh , did i forgot to mention above where the picnic was ?
Its Actually Taman Tasik seksyen 2 Shah Alam

Nah , the @ballonery_ shared my photo on her Instagram .
Go and check her IG now !
Balloon helium dia sangat murah i told you .
Banyak famous boutique yang dah pernah deal dengan akak cantik nie .
You boleh self pickup from Her house at Seksyen 7 or use her delivery service .
Its up :)

Dulu , Selalu imagine akan ada manusia buat suprise birthday ala ala picnic camni bila mana ulangtahun kelahiran aku atas bumi yang fana ni . Entah , semua benda nak style garden . Kalau boleh kawin pun nak atas tikar je jamu orang makan. Jimat sikit kan ? Tapi aku tahu it will not happen , sebab tu aku cari idea dan masa yang sesuai untuk aku realisasikan mimpi aku ni .

Pelik ,

Ya, aku lah tu

Till then ,

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